Thanks to Don’t Be a Feminist: Essays on Genuine Justice, I got to do a long-form interview with Tucker Carlson last October. We talked for over an hour about feminism, parenting, education, wokeness, the power of positive thinking, and much more. Highlights from the interview are supposed to air this evening on Tucker Carlson Tonight. Better yet, you can stream the full interview on Tucker Carlson Today, the Fox Nation streaming service. (First week free!)
I know that many readers hold Tucker in low regard. To belabor the obvious, he and I have at least one massive disagreement. But in all sincerity, I am happy to talk to almost anyone who is happy to talk to me. And Tucker has consistently been happy to talk to me. When The Case Against Education came out, he had me on his show twice, and the discussion was about as good as the format allows. See for yourself:
This time around, we proverbially talked and talked. Tucker’s a master of his craft. All hyperbole aside, I think it’s one of the best interviews I’ve ever done in my life. Maybe the very best.
It’s my privilege to be able to address his massive audience. You could say that I’m just telling them what they want to hear, but if you actually watch I think you’ll see that I’m as unfiltered as I get.
Needless to say, I’d be delighted to have similar convos with just about any television personality. While I strongly disapprove of most of what they broadcast, I am eager to personally make television epistemically better by displacing terrifying anecdotes with serious arguments.
P.S. If you’re puzzled by the show summary, so am I. If you interpret it as “feminism treats women less fairly than feminism treats men,” I disagree. Feminism treats people in general poorly, but its treatment of men is especially cruel. If you interpret the summary as “feminism treats women less fairly than men treat women,” though, I agree. After all, feminism makes heavy use of fear, while men normally treat women more respectfully than men treat fellow men. Indeed, the mere presence of women reliably causes men’s manners to improve.
> I know that many readers hold Tucker in low regard.
That's on overstatement. One of the most based and insightful humans alive.
>I know that many readers hold Tucker in low regard.
That's an understatement. One of the most loathsome and hateful humans alive.