The Manville video badly misses the key point: ECONOMIC diversity is BAD for the upper (richer) party to the mix. Denser housing brings poorer people AND MORE of them (congestion). Poor(er) people may or may not be bad among themselves, but mix them with richer ones, and opportunity knocks for the criminal among them, along with envy.

Call me NIMBY. That's me.

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When you buy an existing home it's a physical thing you can see. You can send an inspector over to look at it. It is what it is. If you don't like it you can walk away.

With a new build home that isn't the case. You have some materials (often misleading) about what it might be like. As you go through the process you find that it's not what was sold. You also have to devote a lot of time to trying to keep the developer honest, and you can never devote enough time for every little trick. I managed to notice when they installed a supporting beam wrong. I had to pay a structural engineer to come in and write a report saying that it was faulty and needed to be fixed (until I gave them the report and threatened action they stonewalled me). This was a lot of time and money, and if I hadn't been going down there to see the construction it might have gotten missed.

The extra kitchen they said they could build for my mom never got done. We had to settle for less even though it was a big part of why we wanted to do a new build.

Lots of things like that. Everyone in the development has a list.

Let's say I got fed up and walked away. In addition to the time and trouble, I would be out my deposit which was large. I'm more or less stuck with it once they have that deposit.

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1) "opposition to new development increases by 20 percentage points when respondents learn that a developer is likely to earn a large profit."

2) "Our findings show that some opposition to housing is motivated not by residents’ fears of their own losses, but resentment of others’ gains."

I don't think #1 implies #2.

I built my house through a developer, it wasn't a pleasant experience. It wasn't pleasant for anyone in our development. I've heard the same thing from everyone that has built through a developer.

The common experience is that the developer lies during the sales process, tries to cut corners, pressures you to close with things undone, etc. They stole the topsoil from everyones house and we all had to spend a ton of money after all our lawns died. They used a loophole to stay on bond and charge us outrageous HOA fees to do nothing (which they increased). In other words, you feel like you're in an adversarial process where their profit is your loss and you can't trust them.

I suspect that people hear "the developer is making a lot of money" with "the developer is cheating the homeowners" or "the developer bribed local officials" or "the developer is going to externalize some cost onto the community."

This seems to be a common thing in what I would call "large lock in purchases". Once you give them the deposit it's difficult to walk away even if they fail to deliver in various ways. You can't just get up and walk out like at a restaurant. The phrase "once they got you they screw you whatever way they can" comes to mind.

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