Hear Rob Wiblin
If you haven’t already heard of Rob Wiblin of 80,000 Hours, you should. He’s brilliant, charismatic, inspiring, sobering, enthusiastic, realistic, knowledgeable, open-minded, clear-headed, engaging, curious, funny, earnest, forthright, fair, and pleasantly quixotic.
Perhaps bashful as well.
When he’s not crusading for Effective Altruism, Rob’s conducting some of the most in-depth and well-prepared interviews in the world of ideas. Besides his recent interview with me, EconLog readers will appreciate…
#15- Prof Tetlock on how chimps beat Berkeley undergrads and when it’s wise
to defer to the wise#25- Prof Robin Hanson on why we have to lie to ourselves about why we do
what we do#7- Julia Galef on making humanity more rational, what EA does wrong, and
why Twitter isn’t all bad#17- Prof Will MacAskill on moral uncertainty, utilitarianism & how to
avoid being a moral monster
The post appeared first on Econlib.