Great topic for a book. Please include in your stack of reading the book, Black Rednecks, by Thomas Sowell. He contends that the cult of authentic Blackness is in actuality the mimicry of redneck Scots-Irish culture.
Great topic for a book. Please include in your stack of reading the book, Black Rednecks, by Thomas Sowell. He contends that the cult of authentic Blackness is in actuality the mimicry of redneck Scots-Irish culture.
Sowell's theory is utterly foolish. He goes as far as to blame the Scots-Irish for introducing "lively music" to blacks. As if, without that influence, they would be listening to nocturnes or something. His theory fails to explain why blacks exhibit these socially dysfunctional traits to an even greater degree in areas with no "redneck" influence, such as Africa.
Sowell may be the most overrated intellectual alive today, and, it has to be said, it's probably just because he's black. He's held up by conservatives and libertarians as their "not racist" card.
Great topic for a book. Please include in your stack of reading the book, Black Rednecks, by Thomas Sowell. He contends that the cult of authentic Blackness is in actuality the mimicry of redneck Scots-Irish culture.
Sowell's theory is utterly foolish. He goes as far as to blame the Scots-Irish for introducing "lively music" to blacks. As if, without that influence, they would be listening to nocturnes or something. His theory fails to explain why blacks exhibit these socially dysfunctional traits to an even greater degree in areas with no "redneck" influence, such as Africa.
Sowell may be the most overrated intellectual alive today, and, it has to be said, it's probably just because he's black. He's held up by conservatives and libertarians as their "not racist" card.
Might I respectfully recommend Ibram X. Kendi or Robin DiAngelo as stronger contenders for the most overrated intellectual alive today?