What exactly do you expect all these low IQ immigrants to do all day?
Let's say I bought that these low skill workers had some comparative advantage, and weren't just having their labor subsidized by the state (you pay for your cheap house cleaning through higher property and income taxes).
How many times does my house need to get cleaned a day?
How many nail salons can a town support?
Wouldn't there be diminishing returns to the value of their low skill manual labor as the supply increases to essentially infinity (billions of people move under open borders)?
What if the value of their labor in this scenario ended up being below whatever standard the state has deemed "impoverished"? Would they not then automatically end up becoming wards of the state? Would they not vote to maintain such benefits for themselves?
If every single boomer needed a personal assistant, the current immigrant population is already large enough to provide that.
I highly doubt that every single boomer needs a dedicated personal assistant every single day of their retirement and that the native population can provide 0% of that demand, but that really is the numbers as they stand today, let alone if we add a billion more people.
Nurses require advanced degrees and typically have above average iqs. Nearly all healthcare work of even modest skill is beyond the capability of the kind of low skill immigrants you want to flood in.
Any cheap daycare workers would not earn enough to pay for their state healthcare or their kids state education. I would rather nix the immigrants, have the state lower my taxes since i no longer have to support them, and have my wife stay at home and raise our own kids.
When we have used daycare it was mostly middle class white woman that did the work.
I would never leave my kids with some 85 iq fresh off the boat with no English. If you are so poor that is all you can afford I would suggest raising your own children.
Lastly, the number one issue we dealt with the last few years was daycares being forced to mask toddlers. Immigrants who voted in the dem governor caused this, and our conservative daycare was the only one to refuse submission to the mandate. Another reason you shouldn’t go cheap with your kids.
I have lived in Ecuador for the last 12 years, and have seen a lot of people head from Ecuador to the US. However, the majority of these are Venezuelans who were already refugees here in Ecuador, fleeing from chaos and collapse in Venezuela. I would not consider most of them to be low-IQ as some here have described. I can think of two who are professional truck drivers and one who is a refrigeration/air-conditioning specialist. Blue collar, but hard workers and productive.
The chief handicap that most of them face is the language. There are Latinos who learn English, but they are a small minority, and to really function in most jobs in the US you need to be at least functional in English.
As to whether the borders should be open or not, I can see and understand good arguments on both sides. As long as the flows are moderate and the immigrants are made to understand that they will have to work and be self-supporting, I favor immigration. They should NOT be allowed on welfare rolls. At the same time, disasters in a given country can cause panicked or desperate refugees to cross borders in a way that transmits the catastrophe to the neighboring countries, and I do not advocate that any nation so impacted - or with potential to be so impacted - is under any obligation to receive and deal with all those who would like to flee.
As a final note, please consider that most people do not want to leave their native land or town. That they are willing to make the effort to move to a different country indicates that they have probably lived with suffering and privation that most of us will never know. This doesn't mean that we should just let them in, but we should have compassion on them.
We were told in past eras that the spirit of our civilization was threatened by the Irish, Chinese, Italians, etc. Such predictions were always wrong. If anything the opposite was true. The spirit of our civilization prospered because of the influx. I see no reason to think that what was wrong before will suddenly turn out of the correct now.
All of those are relatively high-IQ populations (at least, depending on how far north in Italy you're selecting from). There's no reason to presuppose that a comparable influx of people from lower-IQ populations will integrate and contribute as successfully.
I was for closed borders all my life, but now that I am travelling the world, I feel like a hypocrite that I feel entitled to go to any country I want for any length of time but I don't think people should have the right to do so in my country.
I thought about writing a substack article "Open Borders for Me, But Not for Thee" but haven't gotten around to it yet
Were you really for closed borders, or just for a system where a 'sensible' (and what is sensible is open to debate) number can immigrate? The latter being the system you are probably taking advantage of?
Besides you probably shouldn't feel such entitlement, if a country decides they don't want to let you stay then you may think it unfair, and a bad decision, but moving there was not something you were ever entitled to.
Regardless if I "should" feel such entitlement, I do, which is what makes me a hypocrite. For example Mexico is kicking me out soon because my visa is running out, and I feel indignant at this, I feel in my bones that I am entitled to stay as long as I want
I've greatly enjoyed this exchange. It has been very thought-provoking. I probably am more with Bryan on this, if I try to imagine being born at random into the world, rather than as an existing well-off straight white male.
Bryan’s niche libertarianism blinds him from understanding the following words from David Hume: “[L]iberty is the perfection of civil society; but still authority must be acknowledged essential to its very existence.”
---If congress and POTUS agreed to declare open borders, that would be an exercise of authority.
The authority that Hume refers to depends on spirits alive in and among people.
---I hope these aren’t like the animal spirits of the stock market.
Political legitimacy and political decency are mutually dependent, and not hardy weeds. As they falter and deteriorate, so does liberty, as Hume indicated and history teaches.
---The legitimacy of the US polis rests on the Declaration, which claims human rights are universal and inalienable. Once you decide that for furriners, they're alienable, you forfeited your legitimacy already.
Libertarian insights and argumentation contribute little to understanding what Hume means.
---Hume already did a fair job at contributing little understanding to what Hume means.
Bryan looks at data spanning decades and assures us: “(a) the positives of open borders are massive, and (b) the negatives look trivial by comparison.” But the spirits span generations, centuries, even millennia.
---"The spirits" of nativism, on a map of the US timeline, correlate nicely with a host of other creeping illiberal spirits, from military adventurism, to the welfare state, to the IRS. It's no coincidence that as we cranked up the "authority" of the nanny state, we simultaneously cranked up "authority" to put people through the Rube Goldberg asylum machine.
Have libertarians like Bryan, Ben Powell, and Alex Nowrasteh learned what our friends Burke and Tocqueville try to tell us? If libertarians say little about authority, it is not because it is of little importance, but because they are little able.
---For statists, libertarians will always disappoint when they talk about authority, because they're always talking about individually exercised authority rather than central command and control. Self control is never a sexy topic.
If memory serves Thomas Sowell refutes this concern with data from Ellis Island in his book "Ethnic America." IQ doesn't make a difference in outcomes.
Speaking about "polity stability". One reasons why people are sensitive, nationalist and arbitrary about nations is because nations are existing as part of our imaginations and social world. Thereby, nations are often as a house of cards, they can become worse and start collapsing when people feel or believe that their perceptions of reality are "triggered" by something as immigration, religion, culture etc. Individual interpretations and understanding of what a nation is, how it is, what things make it are also depending on the individuals experiences, development, lifestyle and many other factors. Nations are often presented as something stable, as a family, as holy and glory, but in reality are often very shaky, problematic, dogmatic while being to big for certain issues and to small for other ones. Also, people migrate between cities and local areas, not only between nations.
A modern 21st century liberal has to be in favour of freedom of movement for all law abiding humans, partly because it is about ideas of universal freedom, human rights and global citizenship in relation to economics and mobility . https://glibe.substack.com/p/the-welfare-state-does-not-legitimise
I appreciate the worry of Klein (and Garett Jones, and many others) that massive immigration might undermine U.S. political culture--might kill the goose that is laying golden eggs for us. But it is hard to assess the probability that this would actually happen to any given degree. Greatly eased immigration restrictions would probably result in immigrants from many different countries, with different languages and cultures, belonging to different races. Their diversity would make it hard for them to agree on a particular political program, and then to combine against the natives. The fact that they immigrated suggests their approval of the political system already in place in the U.S., which they might be unusually reluctant to change.
Of course, these points do not prove that Klein's fears are exaggerated; I find that hard to judge.
What the hell happened to California between Reagen and Newsome!
One could go on with examples like this.
Sure, Mexicans and Blacks are not the same political bloc, but they all vote Democrat.
The big debate was whether immigrants were Democrats because of something Republicans did or because they are natural Democrats. I think the evidence is in and it's a matter of them being natural Democrats. To the extent the Republican Party has had any success with Hispanics its been though strongly anti-immigrant candidates like Trump or DeSantis.
As far as Muslims in Europe are concerned, good luck, that problem is ten times worse.
This piece was by far Dan’s strongest rebuttal to those who think like Bryan on this topic.
IMO the main thing that BC completely fails to appreciate in his zealous pure open borders argument is the goodness (institutions and norms) of a good culture. THAT is the thing where the probability of breaking it with a policy of utterly open borders is high, and that is what he misses. Bryan’s piece to which this is the response provide that “aha” moment for me.
I must concede that while I still disagree with fully open borders and its first order consequences, Bryan’s case feels stronger to me and his position at least “reasonable” if you completely discount the probability that it would break good cultures (institutions and norms…) if implemented and maintained.
It is not about “right to a culture” as BC describes culture in his last response. It is ensuring that good cultures are maintained.
IMO Bryan should read and ponder Robin Hanson’s work on culture a WHOLE lot more.
Thanks! His comment regarding immigration, that economists tend to be overly focused on economic impact is reminiscent of socialist critiques of capitalism, that capitalists only care about dollars and cents, not intangibles.
What exactly do you expect all these low IQ immigrants to do all day?
Let's say I bought that these low skill workers had some comparative advantage, and weren't just having their labor subsidized by the state (you pay for your cheap house cleaning through higher property and income taxes).
How many times does my house need to get cleaned a day?
How many nail salons can a town support?
Wouldn't there be diminishing returns to the value of their low skill manual labor as the supply increases to essentially infinity (billions of people move under open borders)?
What if the value of their labor in this scenario ended up being below whatever standard the state has deemed "impoverished"? Would they not then automatically end up becoming wards of the state? Would they not vote to maintain such benefits for themselves?
If every single boomer needed a personal assistant, the current immigrant population is already large enough to provide that.
I highly doubt that every single boomer needs a dedicated personal assistant every single day of their retirement and that the native population can provide 0% of that demand, but that really is the numbers as they stand today, let alone if we add a billion more people.
Nurses require advanced degrees and typically have above average iqs. Nearly all healthcare work of even modest skill is beyond the capability of the kind of low skill immigrants you want to flood in.
Any cheap daycare workers would not earn enough to pay for their state healthcare or their kids state education. I would rather nix the immigrants, have the state lower my taxes since i no longer have to support them, and have my wife stay at home and raise our own kids.
When we have used daycare it was mostly middle class white woman that did the work.
I would never leave my kids with some 85 iq fresh off the boat with no English. If you are so poor that is all you can afford I would suggest raising your own children.
Lastly, the number one issue we dealt with the last few years was daycares being forced to mask toddlers. Immigrants who voted in the dem governor caused this, and our conservative daycare was the only one to refuse submission to the mandate. Another reason you shouldn’t go cheap with your kids.
I have lived in Ecuador for the last 12 years, and have seen a lot of people head from Ecuador to the US. However, the majority of these are Venezuelans who were already refugees here in Ecuador, fleeing from chaos and collapse in Venezuela. I would not consider most of them to be low-IQ as some here have described. I can think of two who are professional truck drivers and one who is a refrigeration/air-conditioning specialist. Blue collar, but hard workers and productive.
The chief handicap that most of them face is the language. There are Latinos who learn English, but they are a small minority, and to really function in most jobs in the US you need to be at least functional in English.
As to whether the borders should be open or not, I can see and understand good arguments on both sides. As long as the flows are moderate and the immigrants are made to understand that they will have to work and be self-supporting, I favor immigration. They should NOT be allowed on welfare rolls. At the same time, disasters in a given country can cause panicked or desperate refugees to cross borders in a way that transmits the catastrophe to the neighboring countries, and I do not advocate that any nation so impacted - or with potential to be so impacted - is under any obligation to receive and deal with all those who would like to flee.
As a final note, please consider that most people do not want to leave their native land or town. That they are willing to make the effort to move to a different country indicates that they have probably lived with suffering and privation that most of us will never know. This doesn't mean that we should just let them in, but we should have compassion on them.
Whatever happened to "direct and overall" liberty? See, e.g.: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4320056
We were told in past eras that the spirit of our civilization was threatened by the Irish, Chinese, Italians, etc. Such predictions were always wrong. If anything the opposite was true. The spirit of our civilization prospered because of the influx. I see no reason to think that what was wrong before will suddenly turn out of the correct now.
All of those are relatively high-IQ populations (at least, depending on how far north in Italy you're selecting from). There's no reason to presuppose that a comparable influx of people from lower-IQ populations will integrate and contribute as successfully.
I was for closed borders all my life, but now that I am travelling the world, I feel like a hypocrite that I feel entitled to go to any country I want for any length of time but I don't think people should have the right to do so in my country.
I thought about writing a substack article "Open Borders for Me, But Not for Thee" but haven't gotten around to it yet
Were you really for closed borders, or just for a system where a 'sensible' (and what is sensible is open to debate) number can immigrate? The latter being the system you are probably taking advantage of?
Besides you probably shouldn't feel such entitlement, if a country decides they don't want to let you stay then you may think it unfair, and a bad decision, but moving there was not something you were ever entitled to.
The latter, yeah
Regardless if I "should" feel such entitlement, I do, which is what makes me a hypocrite. For example Mexico is kicking me out soon because my visa is running out, and I feel indignant at this, I feel in my bones that I am entitled to stay as long as I want
It's caused cognitive dissonance
I've greatly enjoyed this exchange. It has been very thought-provoking. I probably am more with Bryan on this, if I try to imagine being born at random into the world, rather than as an existing well-off straight white male.
Bryan’s niche libertarianism blinds him from understanding the following words from David Hume: “[L]iberty is the perfection of civil society; but still authority must be acknowledged essential to its very existence.”
---If congress and POTUS agreed to declare open borders, that would be an exercise of authority.
The authority that Hume refers to depends on spirits alive in and among people.
---I hope these aren’t like the animal spirits of the stock market.
Political legitimacy and political decency are mutually dependent, and not hardy weeds. As they falter and deteriorate, so does liberty, as Hume indicated and history teaches.
---The legitimacy of the US polis rests on the Declaration, which claims human rights are universal and inalienable. Once you decide that for furriners, they're alienable, you forfeited your legitimacy already.
Libertarian insights and argumentation contribute little to understanding what Hume means.
---Hume already did a fair job at contributing little understanding to what Hume means.
Bryan looks at data spanning decades and assures us: “(a) the positives of open borders are massive, and (b) the negatives look trivial by comparison.” But the spirits span generations, centuries, even millennia.
---"The spirits" of nativism, on a map of the US timeline, correlate nicely with a host of other creeping illiberal spirits, from military adventurism, to the welfare state, to the IRS. It's no coincidence that as we cranked up the "authority" of the nanny state, we simultaneously cranked up "authority" to put people through the Rube Goldberg asylum machine.
Have libertarians like Bryan, Ben Powell, and Alex Nowrasteh learned what our friends Burke and Tocqueville try to tell us? If libertarians say little about authority, it is not because it is of little importance, but because they are little able.
---For statists, libertarians will always disappoint when they talk about authority, because they're always talking about individually exercised authority rather than central command and control. Self control is never a sexy topic.
If memory serves Thomas Sowell refutes this concern with data from Ellis Island in his book "Ethnic America." IQ doesn't make a difference in outcomes.
Bryan, what is the best arguement(s) you've heard against Open Borders?
Speaking about "polity stability". One reasons why people are sensitive, nationalist and arbitrary about nations is because nations are existing as part of our imaginations and social world. Thereby, nations are often as a house of cards, they can become worse and start collapsing when people feel or believe that their perceptions of reality are "triggered" by something as immigration, religion, culture etc. Individual interpretations and understanding of what a nation is, how it is, what things make it are also depending on the individuals experiences, development, lifestyle and many other factors. Nations are often presented as something stable, as a family, as holy and glory, but in reality are often very shaky, problematic, dogmatic while being to big for certain issues and to small for other ones. Also, people migrate between cities and local areas, not only between nations.
A modern 21st century liberal has to be in favour of freedom of movement for all law abiding humans, partly because it is about ideas of universal freedom, human rights and global citizenship in relation to economics and mobility . https://glibe.substack.com/p/the-welfare-state-does-not-legitimise
I appreciate the worry of Klein (and Garett Jones, and many others) that massive immigration might undermine U.S. political culture--might kill the goose that is laying golden eggs for us. But it is hard to assess the probability that this would actually happen to any given degree. Greatly eased immigration restrictions would probably result in immigrants from many different countries, with different languages and cultures, belonging to different races. Their diversity would make it hard for them to agree on a particular political program, and then to combine against the natives. The fact that they immigrated suggests their approval of the political system already in place in the U.S., which they might be unusually reluctant to change.
Of course, these points do not prove that Klein's fears are exaggerated; I find that hard to judge.
Is it that hard to assess?
How did blacks moving to Detroit affect Detroit?
What the hell happened to California between Reagen and Newsome!
One could go on with examples like this.
Sure, Mexicans and Blacks are not the same political bloc, but they all vote Democrat.
The big debate was whether immigrants were Democrats because of something Republicans did or because they are natural Democrats. I think the evidence is in and it's a matter of them being natural Democrats. To the extent the Republican Party has had any success with Hispanics its been though strongly anti-immigrant candidates like Trump or DeSantis.
As far as Muslims in Europe are concerned, good luck, that problem is ten times worse.
Hard to combined against the natives? I mean it's already happening!
This piece was by far Dan’s strongest rebuttal to those who think like Bryan on this topic.
IMO the main thing that BC completely fails to appreciate in his zealous pure open borders argument is the goodness (institutions and norms) of a good culture. THAT is the thing where the probability of breaking it with a policy of utterly open borders is high, and that is what he misses. Bryan’s piece to which this is the response provide that “aha” moment for me.
I must concede that while I still disagree with fully open borders and its first order consequences, Bryan’s case feels stronger to me and his position at least “reasonable” if you completely discount the probability that it would break good cultures (institutions and norms…) if implemented and maintained.
It is not about “right to a culture” as BC describes culture in his last response. It is ensuring that good cultures are maintained.
IMO Bryan should read and ponder Robin Hanson’s work on culture a WHOLE lot more.
You may be interested, but I discuss Puerto Rico near the end of this piece: https://anowrasteh.substack.com/p/review-of-the-culture-transplant-184?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2
Interesting. Do you have a link or reference for Sowell?
He discusses immigration toward the end of this econtalk episode.
Thanks! His comment regarding immigration, that economists tend to be overly focused on economic impact is reminiscent of socialist critiques of capitalism, that capitalists only care about dollars and cents, not intangibles.