Sweden still has one of the most liberal migration systems, I mean regarding labour immigration since it is almost open borders/free immigration. This is sadly gonna change with the new right-wing government with support from the far right. However, more people as liberals and libertarian left-wingers should fight for global free movement based on global digital citizenship.
Sweden still has one of the most liberal migration systems, I mean regarding labour immigration since it is almost open borders/free immigration. This is sadly gonna change with the new right-wing government with support from the far right. However, more people as liberals and libertarian left-wingers should fight for global free movement based on global digital citizenship.
Well, I think that racism is the most primitive for of collectivism and that one's IQ should not matter in relation to movement, neither within countries not between. After all, cognitive ability sand similar is about how one is as an individual
Sweden still has one of the most liberal migration systems, I mean regarding labour immigration since it is almost open borders/free immigration. This is sadly gonna change with the new right-wing government with support from the far right. However, more people as liberals and libertarian left-wingers should fight for global free movement based on global digital citizenship.
Why would people need any citizenship, including digital one?
There are several reasons
- Legal ID, not being undocumented nor "illegal"
- Being able to cooperate with private, community and public institutions
- Not being stopped at the borders for arbitrary reasons
- Civility, affections, engagement
What is HBD? Don't say it is about human biodiveristy :P
Well, I think that racism is the most primitive for of collectivism and that one's IQ should not matter in relation to movement, neither within countries not between. After all, cognitive ability sand similar is about how one is as an individual