Covid proves that:

1) Politics does matter! Vastly different outcomes in R vs D, and not just the politics but also who your friends were.

2) It's not just whatever policy issues are being debated. We get these periodic "crisis" every ten years or so, and so you have to guess at how people will react to novel situations (what their base vibes are).

So for instance I think we could have guessed before the fact that the teachers union would lean towards wanting to get teachers to get paid to phone it in.

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What would you tell to people whose X is greater than 12 (i.e. who find the lockdown positive)?

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Those people are free to self-impose lockdowns on themselves anytime.

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Well, when the lockdown is government-mandated, chances of job/work accommodating are higher.

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>And no, I don’t think that an asymptomatic person who walks down the street unmasked is “aggressing” against passersby in any meaningful way.

Why not? If someone has a disease, infects me with that disease because they took 0 precautions to prevent spread of it, then I die of it, I think I'd have been pretty aggressed.

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There are unfortunately very few surveys on how much covid restrictions reduced QALY, but here is one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10977738/

Lockdowns fail any reasonable cost/benefit analysis. No matter how you do the calculations, no matter how much you try to rig things in favour of them by e.g. assuming that lockdowns reduce massive deaths, while ignoring real-world empirical result that they do close to nothing. There's just no way to reach a conclusion that the length and breadth of restrictions that were adopted do less damage than covid. This isn't just hindsight bias. Unless you expect to elimiate covid by May 2020 (and there's no reason to think that's possible) then it's impossible to justify. That countries dabbled with lockdowns in the first month might be forgivable (I certainly wouldn't, but I could at least understand it). That they kept doing it long past any point it might be of benefit is not.

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Bryan, you need to do more research on studies outside the Establishment Narrative endlessly echoed by lackey “scientists” funded by Bio Defense/ Big Pharma sponsors. Besides the catastrophically ineffective lockdown measures, more and more independent research papers and analysis demonstrate that both the “treatment” for Covid hospitalization (intubation, midolazam + remdesivir) and the mRNA “vaccination” are the greatest iatrogenic atrocities ever perpetrated on mankind, responsible for millions of deaths.

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