This article performs a valuable service. Your critique of Perry's book is so thorough, I can now move on, confident I don't have to read it myself. Thanks!
This article performs a valuable service. Your critique of Perry's book is so thorough, I can now move on, confident I don't have to read it myself. Thanks!
Agreed. I largely agree with Bryan's essay, and I largely agree with Perry's book, though of course I have my differences with both. And Perry's book can really help when talking to people who don't share a lot of your priors.
This article performs a valuable service. Your critique of Perry's book is so thorough, I can now move on, confident I don't have to read it myself. Thanks!
it's still worth reading, pick it up, just read Bryan's book in conjunction with it.
Agreed. I largely agree with Bryan's essay, and I largely agree with Perry's book, though of course I have my differences with both. And Perry's book can really help when talking to people who don't share a lot of your priors.