Lost the thread here, when I get alerts, so I dont know what you think women do not despise.
JJ: how OLD are you? Sex And The City (TV series) ran from 1998 to 2004... thats 25 YEARS AGO!
Also: who invented casual sex? it sure was not women. Men have far, far more casual sex than women and men are the ones who DEMAND casual sex (or they wo…
Lost the thread here, when I get alerts, so I dont know what you think women do not despise.
JJ: how OLD are you? Sex And The City (TV series) ran from 1998 to 2004... thats 25 YEARS AGO!
Also: who invented casual sex? it sure was not women. Men have far, far more casual sex than women and men are the ones who DEMAND casual sex (or they wont keep dating a woman past the third date)... men are the ones who demand hookups and no strings sex.
If women participate in casual sex (*and we are talking about heterosexuals here, I assume)... they are having that casual sex WITH MEN... right? so men are doing the exact same thing.
If you are very serious or religious and you want to NOT have casual sex (or any sex) prior to marriage... I think that is just fine, and I commend you. But you then have to specifically search for women who share your moral and religious values! they do exist, but you will NOT FIND THEM on Tinder.... duh! you will find them in church, or community service (volunteer) organizations or similar. Perhaps through introductions from family members. Be sure you state these values openly, because they are so rare today... people wont believe it unless you state it aloud.
BTW: I have to tell you something that clearly your dad, sex education in school and RedPill videos have failed you at.... women do not highly prize enormous penises. This is a myth. The most a woman wants is a normal, average penis. WHY? because actually HUGE penises are very uncomfortable during sexual intercourse.
As for judging men on their sexual performance... well, men judge women too. They will shame women for their body size, for their AGE... their general looks... their BREASTS specifically (though breasts do nothing regarding sexual performance!)... their size or shape of their vaginas/vulvas, even the size of their labia!!!
If you think you can avoid all this by finding a virgin... good luck.
If you think, in 2023, you can demand a virigin.... while feeling entitled YOURSELF to sexual adventures and experimentation, with a large variety of women.... good luck.
Is your argument seriously that SATC ran 25 years ago? LOL. It doesn't matter whether SATC ran 10 years ago or 40 years ago, it is STILL being shown on TV and/or streaming services in most of the western world. SATC has had a MASSIVE impact on western women, and many, if not most, women look up to those four morons from SATC. Good luck finding a 20-something woman who does NOT know SATC.
The hook-up culture was created by women. Women have far more casual sex than men. All women can participate in casual sex (and most do), but at least 50% of men cannot. It's not a secret that women are almost exclusively having casual sex with the top 20% of men, and those that are in the top 30%, 40% or 50% are only getting a tiny portion. And the bottom 50% can only get it through a relationship (which many of them will not get).
And don't give me that bs about women being shamed for their breasts or genitals in real life. It is only done by a small group of men online. But most women will happily shame men for everything regarding their genitals: size, shape, appearance etc. and sexual performance. It proves that women care A LOT about penis size. After all, women are the ones who tell their friends everything about a man's body, genitals and sexual performance, whereas most men will never reveal that kind of information about women to anyone.
I know SATC is in reruns, but the time when it was ON THE AIR as a broadcast TV show was 1998 to 2004 (and the book it was based on, by Candace Bushnell, even older than THAT).
It was THEN that the show was a cultural phenomena. And that was far longer ago than the TEN YEARS you just stated is when all women (ALL WOMEN) suddenly became promiscuous sluts and THOTs.
SATC was poplar, but certainly not everyone watched it or cared about it, and plenty of people just laughed at its excesses.... I mean, Star Trek was even more popular, but you surely do not think it is influencing peoples behavior... do you? how about all OTHER popular TV series? is GUNSMOKE still influencing people? COLUMBO? CSI? The X Files?
Most women today (younger women, who would never have seen SATC when it was broadcast) could probably not even name the 4 actresses on SATC or their characters names.
And the show was SOOO unrealistic. In it, Sara Jessica Parker is presented as a hottie with unlimited sexual choices (and a lifestyle that would take 10x her income to have) even though she is very very homely. She ends up, in her FORTIES with a handsome hedge fundie (Mr. Big) when in real life those guys largely marry trophy wives.
Women just do NOT have more casual sex than men. No idea where you get this from. Women face FAR greater risks in sex than men... pregnancy, STDs, social shaming... there is nothing in it for them, really. And ALL WOMEN cannot do this; you yourself said that being fat completely deletes a woman from having dating or romantic chances! do you think men are eagerly hooking up with 300 lb women? NOPE!!!
It is statistically impossible for 100% of women to be having sex with 20% of men... do the math. (At least you say 20%; some incels insist CHAD is only 5 to 10% of men!)
Men not only have more sexual encounters than women... far more access to porn designed JUST for them... but do not face hardly any of the risks women face. Men do not get pregnant!
Also: are you saying here you are denied hookups, so you are FORCED TO HAVE A RELATIONSHIP???? what the heck? so you do not WANT a relationship, you want to hook up with random women from the internet? LOL, if you cannot do THAT... again, look to yourself and how you behave or treat women, if they are SUCH PROMISCUOUS SLUTS but reject YOU.
You are shaming women RIGHT HERE, by saying their body type is something you reject UP FRONT before even getting to know them. This is common among men. Women are far more forgiving, which is why you often see a fat man (Harvey Weinstein, Chris Christie, countless others) paired up with a slim nice looking woman/wife. Women are willing to look past weight, because 2 out of 3 men ARE FAT.... men like you will not do this, so they end up alone.
Women are shamed literally ALL THE TIME for their bodies... their age... their PRESUMED fertility or lack thereof... their faces... and yes, now people are so graphic, they shame women over their genitalia. (And you agree, because you say women shame men over penis size... right?)
Again: at my age, with knowledge of hundred of other women and nearly as many men (including husband and sons with whom I can speak frankly)... I simply have never heard of this. Women just do not focus on size or shape of a mans penis, unless it is WILDLY irregular in some way. Women just want JOE AVERAGE in this respect. There is no porn for women (!!!) that focuses on imagery of penises, in the way that porn for women focuses on breasts or vaginas. It simply doesn't exist, JJ. And you know it!
I am not sure what aspect of sexual performance you think women focus on so much, either. Most women are pretty romantic, and care more about tenderness, cuddling, affection than sexual PERFORMANCE (as you probably view in male oriented PORN)... they do NOT expect nor even want a man with a 10 inch penis, or who is some sort of acrobat in bed. They just want a nice normal guy who wants (eventually) to get married and have kids.
I have (again) many dozens of women friends, and in my lifetime (which covers the Sex And The City era entirely).... I have only rarely heard women talk about mans genitals (and only when it is something outside the norm)... or performance. But they DO talk a lot about how nice (or not nice) guys are... how they do not want to commit, expect sex on demand, are rough or take lovemaking cues from PORNOGRAPHY (which women HATE).
Men obviously do talk about womens bodies, genitals and sexuality TO THE WHOLE FRICKING WORLD, or how would I know about it? I read it almost DAILY online. Men are not shy about complaining about women AT ALL!!!
You want to know what women HATE and REJECT? everything you are stating here... a man who focuses on weight above all other characteristics... call women ugly names (FEMINAZI! land whale!)... accuses individual women of some conspiracies he has read about ONLINE... insists all women are sluts, but all men are morally pure... goes into every casual date with a HUGE HUGE chip on his shoulders. Claims to want a relationship, but then does everything humanly possible to sabotage any relationship!
I hope in time, you find a decent good man to mentor you and tell you this stuff, as I know you wont believe it or internalize it if it comes FROM A WOMAN, since you fear and hate women so much.
You clam that most young women today don’t know SATC or any of the actresses’ names, which is simply false. Most young women know SATC and they love it.
You claim that men have more casual sex than men, which is, again, false. Women control access to sex, and they have been brainwashed to think that it is empowering to sleep around. There are also far more women with STDs/STIs than men with STDs/STIs. Most men do not get to participate in casual sex because women are extremely shallow and they also control access to sex.
And no, I never said that “being a fat completely deletes a woman from having dating or romantic chances”. That is yet ANOTHER lie from you. I have never said anything derogatory about fat women. In fact, I said that fat women can easily get dates, sex and relationships. And that is yet another reason why women have more casual sex than men. Fat women get far more sex than men. Women in general, regardless of their looks and weight, get far more sex than men.
You claim that I said that 100% of women are sleeping with 20% of men, which is yet another lie. Also, I never said that I am "denied hookups". And I never said that I reject women before even getting to know them, which is yet another one of your lies. Or maybe you are just projecting your behavior onto me. And apparently, you are a pathological liar.
You claim that women are more forgiving when it comes to looks. Wrong. Countless studies reveal that men are far more forgiving and lenient, whereas women are a lot shallower and harsher.
Using Harvey Weinstein as an example is just pathetic and laughable. The same goes for using any other male celebrity as an example. Those men are rich and famous, so some women will look past their looks.
Men are bodyshamed more than women. It’s not even close. Women openly bodyshame men – both in real life and online. But most men do not bodyshame women. If a man bodyshames a woman then people will call him out.
Even the media bodyshames men far more than they bodyshame women. They shamed Leonardo Di Caprio for being fat when he was on the beach, but they praised Amy Schumer even though she was much fatter than him. Not to mention that the media constantly praises fat women. Men do not get that privilege.
Women do not get shamed for their genitals in real life. It is extremely rare. But men get shamed for their genitals constantly. Same goes for height and looks. And the fact that you are admitting that you talk with other women about penis size just confirms that women have no respect for men. Men don’t talk about women’s genitals or sexual performance.
Most women want big dicks. Go look at penis size studies. They reveal that most women want big dicks. Go look at porn site stats. They reveal that most women search for big dicks. And no, I never mentioned anything about "giant dicks" or "10 inches".
You have already mentioned that you are old, and I can only assume that you are also fat seeing as you are writing angry and insane comments where you accuse me of insulting fat women when I have never done such a thing.
Women reject men before getting to know them and based on nothing else but either height, looks or weight, so it is only fair that men get to reject women based on their looks and weight. But you have already proved that you are a hypocrite, so you probably disagree with that.
1. What is YOUNG to you? 20? 25? 30? women MY age remember SATC because it was popular (and controversial for how graphic it was and the vulgar sex talk the women did). Nobody thought it was realistic! stuff like Carrie Bradshaw living a millionaires lifestyle as poor publishing assistant. It is a fantasy. Just like James Bond is a fantasy for men, but nobody thinks it is real.
2. Women who are GenZ or young millennials were too young for SATC. They have done some sort of revival of it, with the actresses all much older in their 60s and 70s. Not exactly a hit. Only boomers watch that stuff. Boomers are a bit old to be in the dating pool.
3. Men provably have more causual sex than women and more sex partners than women, and cheat more than women. Studies done for the last 75 or 80 years! Kinsey! Hite Report! where do you get the idea it is the opposite? Oh... somebody with no last name, who has a TikTok in the RedPIll community, said so.
4. The women who do sleep around (far from all women) are modeling their behavior on MEN... they see men getting away with this, having fun, postponing adult things like marriage and children (in favor of career and causual sex) and think WHY CANT I DO THIS TOO? So tell me: why cant women do the same thing men have done for generations?
5. It is not true that women have more STDs and that is seriously ridiculous. Furthermore, most young women today are vaccinated against HPV and most young men ARE NOT. Men give HPV TO women. HPV causes cancer. Men (granted, gay men) caused the AIDS epidemic! all on their own!
6. Women could be as shallow as a ribbon, and it would not keep men from casual sex. Men have access to prostitutes, but women do not. Prostitutes for women scarcely even exist, and certainly are not on street corners in bad neighborhoods hanging out offering oral sex for $50.
7. Women do not control access to sex anymore than men control it. Lets say you have a very homely, obese woman of 55. She wants to have sex with you. You are disgusted by her. Do you say yes, just to get laid? or do you insult her, then run away? there: you have controlled access to sex for that woman.
8. Obviously fat women DO have sex, date, marry and have children because the evidence is literally all around us. However, if you talk to fat women... they suffer terribly in the dating market. They are chosen last, if at all. They are ridiculed widely, even by other women. Men often use desperate fat girls for degrading sex acts. Many of the popular dating sites WILL NOT take ads from fat women.
9. I am sorry you get so little sex; it has made you insanely bitter. But most men have more sex than the average woman... by FAR. The risks are much lower than for women (no fear of pregnancy) and the opportunities much greater... regular dating, hookups. Tinder, etc. PLUS they can easily access prostitutes while women cannot.
10. YOU LITERALLY SAID THAT 100% of women are chasing Chad, who represents between 10% and 20% of men. You said it about 5 times.
11. I am not dating anyone or rejecting anyone, because I have been married for 29 years, very happily and already have grown children. Take out your insane vitriol on someone else. I have no motivation to lie, because I am not in the dating game myself and have no behaviors to defend.
12. You only have to look at movies, TV and advertising to see the harsh beauty standards imposed on all women.... while men get to look like Pete Davidson or Adam Driver or Steve Buscemi and can still star in films. Men can be fat like John Goodman or the late John Candy and still be popular, star in films AND be showcased as romantic leads. I cannot even think of a similar situation for a female actress. Advertising typically features ordinary guys, but the women all look like supermodels.
13. You seem to have rejected every possible woman in every aspect of life as you consider women to all be sluts and gold diggers who hate men and who sleep around with Chad. You are so paranoid you think all women do is talk about your penis! It will be impossible for you to ever have a healthy relationship with a woman unless you get professional counseling.
14. YOU said that women chase Chad, then settle for an ugly guy with money. I did not say this. YOU SAID THIS. So apparently they do forgive mens looks, because THEY SETTLE. Men apparently never settle.
15. Anyone reading your words, regardless of my responses pro or con... KNOWS you are scared of women, paranoid, fear rejection so much you do not even TRY to date... you think every woman rejects you for being short (or bald or fat or all three) and you think everyone is discussing YOUR PENIS (they are NOT).
16. Make up your mind. Do women care only about looks, because we are all shallow? or do we care only about money, because we are such gold diggers? or are we willing to OVERLOOK that ugly guy like Harvey Weinstein, to get his money? It cannot be all of these at once. You are contradicting yourself.
17. YOU maybe body shamed, perhaps because you believe you are short. Most men are not. They hardly care about their looks. (I except gay men here, but I think they are outside this discussion anyhow.) They do little grooming. They do not wear makeup. They wear any old clothing unless work demands a suit. Women spend hours and hours and $$$$ on grooming, makeup, hairstyles and clothing, but you think MEN care more about their looks???
18. Women do get shamed for their genitals, though most often for their breasts... too small, Too flat! too big. Too saggy. It is endless.
19. I literally said that women did not normally talk about penis size, that it is rare and that I have never seen a woman in a serious relationship/marriage talk about her boyfriend/husband. And somehow you get out of that... that I talk about penises all the time?????
20. No, women dont care about penis size (outside of something beyond the norm... extremely small micro penis or unusually large). It is rare for most women to even talk about it. Very large penises make for painful sex. Most women do not care. Unlike breasts, men do not display their penises. WHAT PENIS SIZE STUDIES? please link to them. Also, most women do not view or buy porn... if you depended on a study of women doing this, it would be very limited and I suspect most of the so called women, are gay men or transgender men (MTF).
21. NO idea how old you are. I said I was married for almost 30 years, so you can do that math. I dont care how you feel about my age. My words are still correct. If I was young, you would claim I had no experience of life....if I am old, you mock me for being old. While meantime, how old are you? no idea. (No, I am not fat, but interesting... because you say men do not mock women for their weight, and here you are mocking A TOTAL STRANGER ON THE INTERNET, whom you have NEVER SEEN, because you are sure if you disagree with me, I MUST BE FAT! (why? because you believe fat is the worst thing a woman can be and the worst insult you can lob at a woman, to make her shut up.)
Fortunately I am old enough that I do not give a rats ass what YOU think of me, because you are hateful and immature (regardless of your chronological age).
22. Well if all women reject men sight unseen based on their being short, bald, micro penis and nasty mean incels.... and all men reject women for being fugly dogs and fat... I guess the human race will just die off. Maybe it is just as well since we are all so awful and unworthy and horrible.
23. I repeat: you are a sad person who is creating his own unhappiness and then marinating in it.
Many women thought that it was real as evidenced by the countless articles of women moving to New York in order to emulate those four bimbos. And SATC had a massive impact on girls/women in Europe as well. Countless women thought that they could get the life they saw in SATC.
2. Like I already said before: It doesn't matter when SATC first came out. It has been on TV for ages (long after the show ended), and it is on streaming sites. 20-something women in 2024 absolutely know what SATC is. Millennial women know SATC as well.
3. LOL. Is your argument seriously an old study that was done decades ago? You are a joke.
The data from all dating sites and apps reveal it: women are only going for a very small group of men, which is 20% of men at most. Some apps even show that women only want less than 5%.
So no, men are not having more sex partners than women, and men are not cheating more than women. Not to mention the fact that there are far more women with STDs/STIs than men, which is yet more evidence of the fact that more women are having sex than men.
4. Feminism told women that they should sleep around. Hook-up culture was created by women - not men.
Only a small group of men (no more than 20% at most) are sleeping around. The remaining 80% of men do not get to participate in hook-up culture. Don’t blame men because women are dumb enough to think that all men are sleeping around when the facts show that it is only a minority.
It is another case of women and the Apex Fallacy: women look at the men at the top and stupidly conclude that all men’s lives are like that too. Women have no one to blame but themselves.
Lost the thread here, when I get alerts, so I dont know what you think women do not despise.
JJ: how OLD are you? Sex And The City (TV series) ran from 1998 to 2004... thats 25 YEARS AGO!
Also: who invented casual sex? it sure was not women. Men have far, far more casual sex than women and men are the ones who DEMAND casual sex (or they wont keep dating a woman past the third date)... men are the ones who demand hookups and no strings sex.
If women participate in casual sex (*and we are talking about heterosexuals here, I assume)... they are having that casual sex WITH MEN... right? so men are doing the exact same thing.
If you are very serious or religious and you want to NOT have casual sex (or any sex) prior to marriage... I think that is just fine, and I commend you. But you then have to specifically search for women who share your moral and religious values! they do exist, but you will NOT FIND THEM on Tinder.... duh! you will find them in church, or community service (volunteer) organizations or similar. Perhaps through introductions from family members. Be sure you state these values openly, because they are so rare today... people wont believe it unless you state it aloud.
BTW: I have to tell you something that clearly your dad, sex education in school and RedPill videos have failed you at.... women do not highly prize enormous penises. This is a myth. The most a woman wants is a normal, average penis. WHY? because actually HUGE penises are very uncomfortable during sexual intercourse.
As for judging men on their sexual performance... well, men judge women too. They will shame women for their body size, for their AGE... their general looks... their BREASTS specifically (though breasts do nothing regarding sexual performance!)... their size or shape of their vaginas/vulvas, even the size of their labia!!!
If you think you can avoid all this by finding a virgin... good luck.
If you think, in 2023, you can demand a virigin.... while feeling entitled YOURSELF to sexual adventures and experimentation, with a large variety of women.... good luck.
Is your argument seriously that SATC ran 25 years ago? LOL. It doesn't matter whether SATC ran 10 years ago or 40 years ago, it is STILL being shown on TV and/or streaming services in most of the western world. SATC has had a MASSIVE impact on western women, and many, if not most, women look up to those four morons from SATC. Good luck finding a 20-something woman who does NOT know SATC.
The hook-up culture was created by women. Women have far more casual sex than men. All women can participate in casual sex (and most do), but at least 50% of men cannot. It's not a secret that women are almost exclusively having casual sex with the top 20% of men, and those that are in the top 30%, 40% or 50% are only getting a tiny portion. And the bottom 50% can only get it through a relationship (which many of them will not get).
And don't give me that bs about women being shamed for their breasts or genitals in real life. It is only done by a small group of men online. But most women will happily shame men for everything regarding their genitals: size, shape, appearance etc. and sexual performance. It proves that women care A LOT about penis size. After all, women are the ones who tell their friends everything about a man's body, genitals and sexual performance, whereas most men will never reveal that kind of information about women to anyone.
I know SATC is in reruns, but the time when it was ON THE AIR as a broadcast TV show was 1998 to 2004 (and the book it was based on, by Candace Bushnell, even older than THAT).
It was THEN that the show was a cultural phenomena. And that was far longer ago than the TEN YEARS you just stated is when all women (ALL WOMEN) suddenly became promiscuous sluts and THOTs.
SATC was poplar, but certainly not everyone watched it or cared about it, and plenty of people just laughed at its excesses.... I mean, Star Trek was even more popular, but you surely do not think it is influencing peoples behavior... do you? how about all OTHER popular TV series? is GUNSMOKE still influencing people? COLUMBO? CSI? The X Files?
Most women today (younger women, who would never have seen SATC when it was broadcast) could probably not even name the 4 actresses on SATC or their characters names.
And the show was SOOO unrealistic. In it, Sara Jessica Parker is presented as a hottie with unlimited sexual choices (and a lifestyle that would take 10x her income to have) even though she is very very homely. She ends up, in her FORTIES with a handsome hedge fundie (Mr. Big) when in real life those guys largely marry trophy wives.
Women just do NOT have more casual sex than men. No idea where you get this from. Women face FAR greater risks in sex than men... pregnancy, STDs, social shaming... there is nothing in it for them, really. And ALL WOMEN cannot do this; you yourself said that being fat completely deletes a woman from having dating or romantic chances! do you think men are eagerly hooking up with 300 lb women? NOPE!!!
It is statistically impossible for 100% of women to be having sex with 20% of men... do the math. (At least you say 20%; some incels insist CHAD is only 5 to 10% of men!)
Men not only have more sexual encounters than women... far more access to porn designed JUST for them... but do not face hardly any of the risks women face. Men do not get pregnant!
Also: are you saying here you are denied hookups, so you are FORCED TO HAVE A RELATIONSHIP???? what the heck? so you do not WANT a relationship, you want to hook up with random women from the internet? LOL, if you cannot do THAT... again, look to yourself and how you behave or treat women, if they are SUCH PROMISCUOUS SLUTS but reject YOU.
You are shaming women RIGHT HERE, by saying their body type is something you reject UP FRONT before even getting to know them. This is common among men. Women are far more forgiving, which is why you often see a fat man (Harvey Weinstein, Chris Christie, countless others) paired up with a slim nice looking woman/wife. Women are willing to look past weight, because 2 out of 3 men ARE FAT.... men like you will not do this, so they end up alone.
Women are shamed literally ALL THE TIME for their bodies... their age... their PRESUMED fertility or lack thereof... their faces... and yes, now people are so graphic, they shame women over their genitalia. (And you agree, because you say women shame men over penis size... right?)
Again: at my age, with knowledge of hundred of other women and nearly as many men (including husband and sons with whom I can speak frankly)... I simply have never heard of this. Women just do not focus on size or shape of a mans penis, unless it is WILDLY irregular in some way. Women just want JOE AVERAGE in this respect. There is no porn for women (!!!) that focuses on imagery of penises, in the way that porn for women focuses on breasts or vaginas. It simply doesn't exist, JJ. And you know it!
I am not sure what aspect of sexual performance you think women focus on so much, either. Most women are pretty romantic, and care more about tenderness, cuddling, affection than sexual PERFORMANCE (as you probably view in male oriented PORN)... they do NOT expect nor even want a man with a 10 inch penis, or who is some sort of acrobat in bed. They just want a nice normal guy who wants (eventually) to get married and have kids.
I have (again) many dozens of women friends, and in my lifetime (which covers the Sex And The City era entirely).... I have only rarely heard women talk about mans genitals (and only when it is something outside the norm)... or performance. But they DO talk a lot about how nice (or not nice) guys are... how they do not want to commit, expect sex on demand, are rough or take lovemaking cues from PORNOGRAPHY (which women HATE).
Men obviously do talk about womens bodies, genitals and sexuality TO THE WHOLE FRICKING WORLD, or how would I know about it? I read it almost DAILY online. Men are not shy about complaining about women AT ALL!!!
You want to know what women HATE and REJECT? everything you are stating here... a man who focuses on weight above all other characteristics... call women ugly names (FEMINAZI! land whale!)... accuses individual women of some conspiracies he has read about ONLINE... insists all women are sluts, but all men are morally pure... goes into every casual date with a HUGE HUGE chip on his shoulders. Claims to want a relationship, but then does everything humanly possible to sabotage any relationship!
I hope in time, you find a decent good man to mentor you and tell you this stuff, as I know you wont believe it or internalize it if it comes FROM A WOMAN, since you fear and hate women so much.
You clam that most young women today don’t know SATC or any of the actresses’ names, which is simply false. Most young women know SATC and they love it.
You claim that men have more casual sex than men, which is, again, false. Women control access to sex, and they have been brainwashed to think that it is empowering to sleep around. There are also far more women with STDs/STIs than men with STDs/STIs. Most men do not get to participate in casual sex because women are extremely shallow and they also control access to sex.
And no, I never said that “being a fat completely deletes a woman from having dating or romantic chances”. That is yet ANOTHER lie from you. I have never said anything derogatory about fat women. In fact, I said that fat women can easily get dates, sex and relationships. And that is yet another reason why women have more casual sex than men. Fat women get far more sex than men. Women in general, regardless of their looks and weight, get far more sex than men.
You claim that I said that 100% of women are sleeping with 20% of men, which is yet another lie. Also, I never said that I am "denied hookups". And I never said that I reject women before even getting to know them, which is yet another one of your lies. Or maybe you are just projecting your behavior onto me. And apparently, you are a pathological liar.
You claim that women are more forgiving when it comes to looks. Wrong. Countless studies reveal that men are far more forgiving and lenient, whereas women are a lot shallower and harsher.
Using Harvey Weinstein as an example is just pathetic and laughable. The same goes for using any other male celebrity as an example. Those men are rich and famous, so some women will look past their looks.
Men are bodyshamed more than women. It’s not even close. Women openly bodyshame men – both in real life and online. But most men do not bodyshame women. If a man bodyshames a woman then people will call him out.
Even the media bodyshames men far more than they bodyshame women. They shamed Leonardo Di Caprio for being fat when he was on the beach, but they praised Amy Schumer even though she was much fatter than him. Not to mention that the media constantly praises fat women. Men do not get that privilege.
Women do not get shamed for their genitals in real life. It is extremely rare. But men get shamed for their genitals constantly. Same goes for height and looks. And the fact that you are admitting that you talk with other women about penis size just confirms that women have no respect for men. Men don’t talk about women’s genitals or sexual performance.
Most women want big dicks. Go look at penis size studies. They reveal that most women want big dicks. Go look at porn site stats. They reveal that most women search for big dicks. And no, I never mentioned anything about "giant dicks" or "10 inches".
You have already mentioned that you are old, and I can only assume that you are also fat seeing as you are writing angry and insane comments where you accuse me of insulting fat women when I have never done such a thing.
Women reject men before getting to know them and based on nothing else but either height, looks or weight, so it is only fair that men get to reject women based on their looks and weight. But you have already proved that you are a hypocrite, so you probably disagree with that.
1. What is YOUNG to you? 20? 25? 30? women MY age remember SATC because it was popular (and controversial for how graphic it was and the vulgar sex talk the women did). Nobody thought it was realistic! stuff like Carrie Bradshaw living a millionaires lifestyle as poor publishing assistant. It is a fantasy. Just like James Bond is a fantasy for men, but nobody thinks it is real.
2. Women who are GenZ or young millennials were too young for SATC. They have done some sort of revival of it, with the actresses all much older in their 60s and 70s. Not exactly a hit. Only boomers watch that stuff. Boomers are a bit old to be in the dating pool.
3. Men provably have more causual sex than women and more sex partners than women, and cheat more than women. Studies done for the last 75 or 80 years! Kinsey! Hite Report! where do you get the idea it is the opposite? Oh... somebody with no last name, who has a TikTok in the RedPIll community, said so.
4. The women who do sleep around (far from all women) are modeling their behavior on MEN... they see men getting away with this, having fun, postponing adult things like marriage and children (in favor of career and causual sex) and think WHY CANT I DO THIS TOO? So tell me: why cant women do the same thing men have done for generations?
5. It is not true that women have more STDs and that is seriously ridiculous. Furthermore, most young women today are vaccinated against HPV and most young men ARE NOT. Men give HPV TO women. HPV causes cancer. Men (granted, gay men) caused the AIDS epidemic! all on their own!
6. Women could be as shallow as a ribbon, and it would not keep men from casual sex. Men have access to prostitutes, but women do not. Prostitutes for women scarcely even exist, and certainly are not on street corners in bad neighborhoods hanging out offering oral sex for $50.
7. Women do not control access to sex anymore than men control it. Lets say you have a very homely, obese woman of 55. She wants to have sex with you. You are disgusted by her. Do you say yes, just to get laid? or do you insult her, then run away? there: you have controlled access to sex for that woman.
8. Obviously fat women DO have sex, date, marry and have children because the evidence is literally all around us. However, if you talk to fat women... they suffer terribly in the dating market. They are chosen last, if at all. They are ridiculed widely, even by other women. Men often use desperate fat girls for degrading sex acts. Many of the popular dating sites WILL NOT take ads from fat women.
9. I am sorry you get so little sex; it has made you insanely bitter. But most men have more sex than the average woman... by FAR. The risks are much lower than for women (no fear of pregnancy) and the opportunities much greater... regular dating, hookups. Tinder, etc. PLUS they can easily access prostitutes while women cannot.
10. YOU LITERALLY SAID THAT 100% of women are chasing Chad, who represents between 10% and 20% of men. You said it about 5 times.
11. I am not dating anyone or rejecting anyone, because I have been married for 29 years, very happily and already have grown children. Take out your insane vitriol on someone else. I have no motivation to lie, because I am not in the dating game myself and have no behaviors to defend.
12. You only have to look at movies, TV and advertising to see the harsh beauty standards imposed on all women.... while men get to look like Pete Davidson or Adam Driver or Steve Buscemi and can still star in films. Men can be fat like John Goodman or the late John Candy and still be popular, star in films AND be showcased as romantic leads. I cannot even think of a similar situation for a female actress. Advertising typically features ordinary guys, but the women all look like supermodels.
13. You seem to have rejected every possible woman in every aspect of life as you consider women to all be sluts and gold diggers who hate men and who sleep around with Chad. You are so paranoid you think all women do is talk about your penis! It will be impossible for you to ever have a healthy relationship with a woman unless you get professional counseling.
14. YOU said that women chase Chad, then settle for an ugly guy with money. I did not say this. YOU SAID THIS. So apparently they do forgive mens looks, because THEY SETTLE. Men apparently never settle.
15. Anyone reading your words, regardless of my responses pro or con... KNOWS you are scared of women, paranoid, fear rejection so much you do not even TRY to date... you think every woman rejects you for being short (or bald or fat or all three) and you think everyone is discussing YOUR PENIS (they are NOT).
16. Make up your mind. Do women care only about looks, because we are all shallow? or do we care only about money, because we are such gold diggers? or are we willing to OVERLOOK that ugly guy like Harvey Weinstein, to get his money? It cannot be all of these at once. You are contradicting yourself.
17. YOU maybe body shamed, perhaps because you believe you are short. Most men are not. They hardly care about their looks. (I except gay men here, but I think they are outside this discussion anyhow.) They do little grooming. They do not wear makeup. They wear any old clothing unless work demands a suit. Women spend hours and hours and $$$$ on grooming, makeup, hairstyles and clothing, but you think MEN care more about their looks???
18. Women do get shamed for their genitals, though most often for their breasts... too small, Too flat! too big. Too saggy. It is endless.
19. I literally said that women did not normally talk about penis size, that it is rare and that I have never seen a woman in a serious relationship/marriage talk about her boyfriend/husband. And somehow you get out of that... that I talk about penises all the time?????
20. No, women dont care about penis size (outside of something beyond the norm... extremely small micro penis or unusually large). It is rare for most women to even talk about it. Very large penises make for painful sex. Most women do not care. Unlike breasts, men do not display their penises. WHAT PENIS SIZE STUDIES? please link to them. Also, most women do not view or buy porn... if you depended on a study of women doing this, it would be very limited and I suspect most of the so called women, are gay men or transgender men (MTF).
21. NO idea how old you are. I said I was married for almost 30 years, so you can do that math. I dont care how you feel about my age. My words are still correct. If I was young, you would claim I had no experience of life....if I am old, you mock me for being old. While meantime, how old are you? no idea. (No, I am not fat, but interesting... because you say men do not mock women for their weight, and here you are mocking A TOTAL STRANGER ON THE INTERNET, whom you have NEVER SEEN, because you are sure if you disagree with me, I MUST BE FAT! (why? because you believe fat is the worst thing a woman can be and the worst insult you can lob at a woman, to make her shut up.)
Fortunately I am old enough that I do not give a rats ass what YOU think of me, because you are hateful and immature (regardless of your chronological age).
22. Well if all women reject men sight unseen based on their being short, bald, micro penis and nasty mean incels.... and all men reject women for being fugly dogs and fat... I guess the human race will just die off. Maybe it is just as well since we are all so awful and unworthy and horrible.
23. I repeat: you are a sad person who is creating his own unhappiness and then marinating in it.
1. 18-29 is young. But we can stretch it to 35.
Many women thought that it was real as evidenced by the countless articles of women moving to New York in order to emulate those four bimbos. And SATC had a massive impact on girls/women in Europe as well. Countless women thought that they could get the life they saw in SATC.
2. Like I already said before: It doesn't matter when SATC first came out. It has been on TV for ages (long after the show ended), and it is on streaming sites. 20-something women in 2024 absolutely know what SATC is. Millennial women know SATC as well.
3. LOL. Is your argument seriously an old study that was done decades ago? You are a joke.
The data from all dating sites and apps reveal it: women are only going for a very small group of men, which is 20% of men at most. Some apps even show that women only want less than 5%.
So no, men are not having more sex partners than women, and men are not cheating more than women. Not to mention the fact that there are far more women with STDs/STIs than men, which is yet more evidence of the fact that more women are having sex than men.
4. Feminism told women that they should sleep around. Hook-up culture was created by women - not men.
Only a small group of men (no more than 20% at most) are sleeping around. The remaining 80% of men do not get to participate in hook-up culture. Don’t blame men because women are dumb enough to think that all men are sleeping around when the facts show that it is only a minority.
It is another case of women and the Apex Fallacy: women look at the men at the top and stupidly conclude that all men’s lives are like that too. Women have no one to blame but themselves.