So, you don't have to prove that anarcho-capitalism would be perfect or even better than the status quo or Yaron's minarchist ideal, just that it would not be a complete disaster...

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That's how he wanted it.

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I'll try to make il Buco

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Venue moved to Gemma nearby.

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RSVPing to 4.

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Venue moved to Gemma nearby.

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I will be at Il Buco and the debate.

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Venue moved to Gemma nearby.

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I will be at the 10:30 NJ meetup.

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I will be at Il Buco and the debate

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Venue moved to Gemma nearby.

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I will also be at Il Buco and the debate. Looking forward to it!

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Venue moved to Gemma nearby.

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Will be at Il Buco and the debate!

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Venue moved to Gemma nearby.

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Bought my ticket and will be at Il Buco!

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Venue moved to Gemma nearby.

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Bryan, please ask Yaron if he agrees with Rand that humans are born tabula rasa?

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I'll be at iL Buco and the debate.

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Venue moved to Gemma nearby.

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I know and like Yaron, but hope you win (careful, he is a talented and charismatic public speaker). Ironic that for all his protestations against government coercion, Yaron is still (as Rothbard would say) a “road socialist”.

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Bought the ticket for Soho Forum, will be there at Il Buco!

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Venue moved to Gemma nearby.

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Great debate. You made me change my mind.

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See you at Il Buco before the debate on the 18th!

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Venue moved to Gemma nearby.

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Dammit Bryan, why'd you have to visit NYC after I moved away for grad school?

Hopefully you'll swing by the Chicagoland area some time.

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I did a meet-up there in May!

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