The next batch of Public Intellectuals for Charity events is out, organized by the indefatigable Jonah Franks!
I’m involved in two of the four.
“AI and the Future of Progress,” featuring me, Mike Huemer, Robin Hanson, and Steven Pinker.
“Is Wealth Inequality a Serious Social Problem?" featuring me and Jack Goldstone.
These are EA fund-raising events, so you have to donate at least $10 to join the audience. Details here.
Are you going to post your opening statements?
I hope you'll have a berth arguing against crippling regulations for AI, which the safety folks, in prototypical Baptists & bootleggers coalition with big tech, wish to impose. The safety risk seem self-evidently overblown (if not fanciful), while the costs imposed by regulation are all too present and real.