Hooray! Glad to have you here! Disquss is awful; I am very glad to not have to deal with that anymore.

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I say Disqus has better support for comments. You can't use html tags in substack, which means links just have to be urls with no other punctuation adjacent to them if you want them to be clickable

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True, but Substack doesn't randomly flag your comments as spam and leave them to rot forever. That gets old after it happens a bit. Hard to trust that sort of behavior.

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That happens automatically for me at Roger Ebert's, but otherwise I haven't had much of that with Disqus.

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For the two of you (like me) left in the universe who still use RSS feeds, the RSS feed is now https://betonit.substack.com/feed.

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Thanks, I also use RSS.

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Mind sharing what the bugs were on WordPress?

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I was looking forward to seeing how the blog would develop aesthetically. You should share your thoughts on the differences & why you chose substack!

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I think my comment on your Love is Love post might not have made it through the transition to the new site.

“Why not just declare your feelings?”

If sexual harassment laws were as onerous as your post presumes your arguments would be correct. However, legally and empirically your premise is false.

Asking a coworker out once and being rejected, is NOT harassment. For it to be harassment, you have to harass: repeated advances despite rejection or no reciprocation.

Empirically speaking, I don’t know anyone who has not asked a female coworker out because they were afraid of termination or a lawsuit. However, I do know of people who I almost wish were afraid of being fired/sued so that they would stop pursuing a female that was a clear non-starter. (Can we talk about how much of a deadweight losses are created by people who pay for someone else’s dinners, for flowers, drinks, etc. when there’s clearly nothing there?)

That said, if sexual harassment laws were as onerous as your premise makes them appear you would indeed get the deadweight losses your analysis finds.

However, do you actually know someone who’s not asked a coworker out for fear of being fired/sued? If not, you risk fueling the irrational logic of many men wrt romance. I.e., “If I ask that girl at the office out I’ll lose my job/get sued so I won’t . Instead, I’ll tell myself that these ‘low IQ women’ just don’t get how great I am and that’s why I can get laid.”

The more rational response would be to a therapist, work out their insecurities and i don’t know try to read a few books on dating women.

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Hip Hip Hooray!

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Glad you're here, and I look forward to reading your material.

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It is crazy to me how Substack drank Medium’s milkshake

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Awesome! Just subscribed (which I wouldn't have done for a Wordpress blog).

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Welcome to where the great writers are! :D Well, Scott A. certainly is.

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Hope your blog goes well, Bryan.

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