As yogi Bara put it it’s so crowded. No one goes there anymore.

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Nice blast, Bryan.

The article you criticize reminds me of Hank Johnson's (D–Ga.) concern that overpopulation on Guam will cause the island "to tip over and capsize":


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Unimportant nit: geckos are a type of lizard so you can just say “who cares about lizards?”

Substantive comment: as someone who is quite sympathetic to the goal of preserving ecosystems, especially in biodiversity hotspots, I agree completely that switching between “this is bad for the ecosystem” and “this is bad for humans” is very dishonest. And actually, I find it counterproductive because it leads to the inverse mistake - people who (correctly) note that the media and activists grossly exaggerate the likely impacts of climate change on humans assume that climate change also won’t be that bad for ecosystems and biodiversity.

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MANY islands (Howe Island, Norfolk Island, Easter Island, Fernando de Noronha), ALL smaller than the Canaries, literally limit the number of people (visitors) who may be on the island at any given time. You literally have to make (buy) a reservation in order to go/be/stay there. The Canaries COULD do that, but overtourism does indeed ruin an island FIRST, FOR TOURISTS. Oahu is a good example, I hear, but I wouldn't know - I'm touring other islands (less-crowded ones). Maybe other people are staying away, too.

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Then there’s this too:


Full disclosure: I was one of non-residents visiting Tenerife back in March. It was lovely.

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A few comments:

1.- "Uncontrolled, increase in the non-resident population of European origin,"

They curiously forgot to mention the resident population of European and non-European origin (*). I assume they also use resources, and also contribute to the "imminent" collapse. Around 150k people are of European origin and 260k of non-European origin. For comparison, the floating population (tourists) is around 400k-450k (**). Should those recent immigrants be expelled from the islands to avoid collapse?

2.- I'm not an expert, but from what I understand (***) some regulations are already in place limiting the number of beds allowed for each area of the islands. It's an Island Planning Scheme ("Plan Insular de Ordenación") and it's very precise when it comes to specifying the exact carrying capacity of every piece of territory: "the document about to be approved increases the allotment for Valle de la Aldea in 700 beds, within the Northeast Coast touristic zone."

How did they achieve such precision? I have no idea.

3.- One seventh of 2.1 million Canary Islanders is 300k (****). That was approximately the population of the Canary Islands around 1890. I don't think Bryan's readers need my help listing all the technological innovations that have been created since 1890 that, I assume, have increased the islands' carrying capacity.

(*) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canary_Islands#Demographics

(**) My own estimation based on number of stays per year and the number from the new PIO.

(***) Sources: https://www.canarias7.es/canarias/gran-canaria/nuevo-fija-261588-20221212214407-nt.html, https://plan-insular.idegrancanaria.es/, https://www.tenerife.es/portalcabtfe/es/temas/ordenacion-del-territorio/el-planeamiento-territorial-y-urbanistico/plan-insular-de-ordenacion-de-tenerife/49/800

(****) If you count the 450k floating population, this maximum population should be 360k.

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"I predict that after a month on the islands, I’ll conclude that what they really need is massive housing deregulation, privatization of government land, and congestion pricing."

To be fair, Professor, this is the solution to literally every problem humanity faces.

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