Just tremendous. My hat goes off to you, amigo!

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It's a shame that only people with tenure, people retired or nearing retirement, or people who are independently wealthy can criticize the universities from within in this way.

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Men value truth at the expense of relationships.

Women value relationships at the expense of truth.

As women achieved dominance in university culture, the purpose of the universe has changed from championing truth, to serving as a surrogate family for child-free female quasi-parents.

What men build, women destroy.

Thus, the Hindu divinity associated with death and destruction, Kali, is female.

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The incel has entered the chat

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I like the Kali meme. Good one.

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God forbid the article reflect that there's a potential for actual discord (and discourse) around this topic. Thanks a ton for sharing these responses!

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Excellent responses all around. Thank you for sharing them.

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Left wing brainwashing is what most universities are now

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"Even if I had conventional far-left views, I would not be more than mildly worried about Burke, because he is just one visitor out of sixteen ..."

Lindsey Burke is a she: https://www.heritage.org/staff/lindsey-burke-phd

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Even if one accepts the claim that women's studies, LGBTQ studies etc are religousish obviously that is not the notion of religion protected by the 1st amendment.

While I would oppose it, clearly the government could constitutionally fund the department of American Awesomeness whose job is to go out and make -- perhaps false -- claims about American greatness. It could even encourage certain beliefs about America's history that are demonstrably false and accuse the people who doubt them of being unpatriotic.

It couldn't, however, tell that department to push the view that Jesus was actually an American (via time travel) or that the bible was intended to be read in English.

Creation science isn't just a dogmatic view it's a dogma that is a thin cover for views that are about religion in the traditional sense. Whatever issues there may be with these other academic departments - and I have concerns - they don't have the same connection to views about God and theology.

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Good point. I would go further and say a Department of Creation Science shouldn’t necessarily be thrown out on 1st amendment grounds. It doesn’t establish a state religion or prohibit the free exercise of religion. It should just be thrown out because the people in charge conclude it doesn’t advance the mission or objectives of the university and make the tough decision to close it down even if it has zealous advocates.

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While I agree if it was a department of creation science in general -- for instance took seriously the idea that maybe it was aliens or maybe it happened according to the Hindu creation myths -- I do think at some point it does become establishment of religion when it enshrines the particular details of one religion's account of creation into the content (eg the age is as per bible not the huge times of the Hindus and it's a single creator and...).

I mean, it would surely be establishment of religion if the government made everyone take a class in "miracles in history" and every example was one that Jesus did in the bible and I think it's getting close if you enshrine all the details from the bible into your notion of creation science.

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Creation, even literalist biblical creation, cuts across multiple religions and wouldn’t be elevating a single religion, or even if they did, it would likely have other department with more typical views on Science, so that literalist Creationism would not be the only viewpoint that is tolerated. It should fall to the university heads, not judges re-interpreting the Constitution in ways never meant by the founders, to determine that Creation Studies does not belong at the university.

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Or failing the university leaders - legislators and voters. Same for all the Woke Studies departments.

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