Due to the low-level Substack-Twitter conflict, friends repeatedly urged me to change the URL for Bet On It. Fine, but to what?
betonit.com was unavailable.
betonit.net cost about $9k.
beton.it seemed to required pretending to be Italian.
All the other options seemed hard to remember.
But then… I noticed the many places pushing trendy .ai domain names. And realized that betonit.ai is very memorable indeed,
I repeat:
betonit.ai is very memorable indeed!
Don’t worry, I don’t plan on reinventing myself as an AI guru. That market is already saturated, and not my comparative advantage anyway . Still, I have written a few widely-read posts on AI, and I’m definitely in the camp of the AI Boomers, not the AI Doomers. And due to continuing rumors that I’m Mr. Spock, I feel AI adjacent in my heart.
Coming next week: A new installment of “I Will Respond to Your Comments Here.” All can read, but only premium subscribers can ask questions.
I like beton.it.
I think putting it at blog.briancaplan.com is also good