Great conversation!

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Great conversation! I find Eliezer's convictions about intelligent AI a bit... extreme?

"So Eliezer, we actually have a bet. It takes a little effort to understand the bet, because his view is so specific. He said, “Look, I want a bet on there will no longer be any human beings on the surface of the Earth on January 1, 2030.” I was willing to give him, like, “How about all of human extinction?” — “No, no, no, no, no. There could still be humans in mine shafts. That’s OK. But not the surface of the Earth.”"

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Eliezer is a hella excentric person. I love reading his ideas, and i am very concerned about ai risks myself, but even i think that 2030 is increadibly unlikely to have a FOOM scenario or something like that. I havnt thought about the risk super criticily, but i think a doom day scenario like that has a maybe... 0.0001 chance of happening then?

Which if you multipy by humans potential and the future and all that is bad, and worth having some people working fulltime on! aka why i support AI alignement work and MIRI and such. But i would require very very large odds in my favor. and im not that worried about my own life and such. theres a billion things more likely to kill me

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