Every year, I host Capla-Con, a two-day festival of gaming and nerdity. This year, it will be on the George Mason University campus at Carow Hall on August 12-13. Open house style, noon-midnight both days.
All Bet On It readers, their families, and friends are invited! As always at my events, kids are very welcome. Come play games, talk ideas, sing karaoke, meet slightly famous bloggers, and make friends.
As usual, I will be available to run role-playing games for interested parties. My repertoire is vast; this is maybe 10% of what’s available. Recent creations include:
Space Opera: The Musical, a rules-light RPG about teenagers in a dystopian future where rock-and-roll has been banned. Karaoke intensive, kid-friendly.
The Badger and Skinny Pete Show, a Breaking Bad spin-off starring the original series’ most beloved comic relief characters.
The Extra Inning, a Japanese baseball manga RPG. A three-act saga, you’ll only get through Act One.
Empty Set, sci-fi RPG. Survival horror on a spaceship.
Patria O Muerte, a Latin American superheroic telenovela written and GM’d by my son, Tristan. Available in English and Spanish, no joke!
Dinner served both days. For obvious reasons, no alcohol allowed.
P.S. Please RSVP acceptances only in the comments.
I'll be attending! I'm interested in playing Patricia O Muerte, preferably in Spanish.
Why is alcohol not allowed this year? The reason for this does not seem obvious to me.
Some friends of mine went last year and told me how much fun it was. Going to head down with my wife, Sarah Constantin, and our kids ages 5 and 1.5.